I have a wedding to go to in late September and while I don't know what I'm wearing, I do know that I want to have a shawl or stole that I've made myself. So I went on a search for a pattern that I liked, first I perused my collection of books and magazines and of course nothing "struck my fancy". My search continued online, first I checked the free patterns, still nothing, okay now on to ones to buy. Aha !! I found two that I liked, one is this shawl and the other is this capelet .After buying both patterns, my quest begins to find the proper yarn. I really do enjoy going to my LYS, to pet and feel the yarn, much better deals are usually found online. So I begin my search for the shawl yarn first, it calls for GGH Soft Kid, I find it a few places, so now I search for the best price. Which led me to Spirit Work, not only did they have it, it was on sale ! I placed my order a bit tenatively as I always do when I'm buying something for the first time from an online retailer. Let me tell you what unbelievably fast and friendly service I got ! A confirmation email came it at 1:54 PM that my order was received and another email at 2:13 PM that my order had shipped. The order arrived yesterday, and look at how nicely it was packaged.This what I saw when I opened the box, a hand written envelope, cute tissue paper and my yarn in a plastic bag all tied up with pretty pink ribbon.
Inside the envelope was a card, with a personal thank you written inside and at the bottom of the yarn bag is a small black box of something I didn't order.

It's a tape measure with the store logo and web site on it.

This is the very first time that when I've received my yarn in the mail that it actually seemed as if I purchased it at my LYS.
Needless to say, I've bookmarked Spirt Work and I'll be checking back when I'm ready to get some more yarn.
It's always nice to find a mail order yarn company that bends over backwards-thanks for sharing.
I bookmared the site their yarn is very nice and their sales are fantastic. Very nice people to deal with love the details.
How cool is that? I am going to go check out their site right snappy!
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