And lookie, it's lined and everything, as per the pattern.
I had the lining fabric on hand, the only thing that I didn't have was interfacing, but that was no biggie. It was really easy to put together, the pattern was written really well. I don't do much "pattern" sewing, in fact I haven't done much sewing (quilting) in quite some time, but I has this little baby done in a little over 2 hours. That even includes the time it took me to dig out the lining fabric. I used the purse today and I love it !
We had a great time at Phipps Conservatory too. I always enjoy it there, but add in the beautiful Chihuly glass and it was awe inspiring. More than once as we rounded a corner, we all "ooed and awed", as if we were watching fireworks, the glass is truly gorgeous !
The puppet was a hit, but the little stinker didn't let on that he liked it until we were leaving. As most 3 year olds, little Johnny was being somewhat shy, because he doesn't know me that well. So off and on I had the puppet talking to him, but the shy-ness was still winning out. But as we were leaving I took "Woofy" off of my hand and said, he's yours if you want to take him home. Well, "Woofy" was snatched out of my hand and before you could blink, little Johnny had the puppet on his hand.
On the way home I stopped and got what I needed for my second totebag, so tonight I'm getting my butt in gear to finish the first tote.
OMG, I absolutely love it! See, this is why I wish I could sew, WTH is interfacing??
Thank you ! It's really not much sewing, just a bunch of straight seams, you could do it too. Interfacing is the stuff you use to give a sewed item "stiffness" or "body", think shirt colars or cuffs.
I love the purse Naomi and the lining is beautiful. Great doing. Thanks for sharing.
I find ebay very helpful when it comes to patterns.
I love it too! Its something I would try sometime, yours look really good :)
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