Monday, April 16, 2007

Hi my name is............

Hi my name is Naomi and I'm an addict...............a yarn addict.
Truely I am and the fact that I don't even have to leave home to feed my addiction makes it tough to stop. As you can see it's been over a month since my last post and no, I haven't used up all of my "new" stash yet, but I want more ! There's something so pleasing about new yarn, it doesn't matter if it arrives in the mail or I go to my LYS. Ah, yes, an LYS, don't you just love the smell of all of the yarn and the color explosion that you see when you walk in the door ? Then there is ebay, not to mention all of the online places to buy yarn, and the people who give me yarn. What's a girl to do ? Must restrain from buying more yarn, no, don't need the light weight cotton for summer, but I want some..............
My name is Naomi and I am a yarn addict......................

1 comment:

Deneen said...

I have been fighting the same addiction all month and losing terribly.