Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lots of Crocheting, But No Pictures :(

I've been trying to upload pictures for almost an hour now and good ol' blogger isn't cooperating. But just let me tell you what I've been doing....... I crocheted a purse using Lion Suede using a pattern that I made up (a first), Anisette Vest from Amazing Lace Crochet is complete, Sweet Pea from SNB Crochet is done, Chaco the Parrot Puppet is all crochet he just needs assembled, I'm in the middle of the Tropical Silk Sweater Crocheted Cover- up , I've also started on the Pistachio Parfat Ruana also from Amazing Lace Crochet. The Ruana uses the same pattern stitchs as the Allegheny Moon Mobius, so I'm doing this first just to see how it works up, so far so good. I'm also planning on making the Flower Power Vest (i love this book !) , I just got my yarn for it yesterday.
I've been a busy little bee, just crocheting my fingers to the bone and doing as little housework as possible (lol) Hopefully blogger will let me post the pictures by Monday !

1 comment:

Deneen said...

You have been busy and I wanna see some pics!

Blogger has posted they are having Picasa issues-so you could upload to flicker or photobucket and post from there.