We had a water leak in out basement yesterday, most likely it's been there longer, we discovered it yesterday. The ceiling in the basement was dripping on the floor, and it's a finished ceiling, as in it's plaster not ceiling tiles. So that means we had to hammer the ceiling out in order to find the leak. The house was built in the "good ole days" of 1957, back when asbestos and other lovely things were okay to use. Not wanting to breathe any of this or get it on me, I "suited up" for the task.
Don't ask me why my right eye looks crossed, it must have been the way I was looking at the mirror. (ralph wouldn't take my picture, so i did the best i could) I'm wearing my workin' in the yard shirt that's about 10 sizes to big, but it keeps stuff off of me. Anywho the leak wasn't that bad, just a pipe that had been capped off years ago had a pin hole. A call to my wonderful BIL and it's fixed !
I forgot to post this picture earlier in the week, I did this over the weekend. This is from Amazing Lace Crochet ,the Anisette Vest done in Cascade Rio. It looks much better on than it does hanging on the door.
Oops, it's the Abydos Vest ! Thanks Deneen.........
Yay for the leak not being too bad.
I love the vest-I plan to make one, have to order some Brilla for it.
My God looks like you are going to peform surgery, but better keep that mask on while making mends. Glad the problem was found.
The Vest is lovely, You did a great Job. Your eyes are fine, I think is the ugly mask covering your pretty face. Hugs
OMG your way to funny lady. I hope that you are now back to breathing normally! Yikes that is pretty scary to be doing that yourself.
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