Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Monday !

I can't believe it's Monday morning already ! The weekend just flew by. The weather was absolutely beautiful, sunny and warm, warm that is for the Pittsburgh area in December. Saturday my brother and I went to my sister's 'new' house with her and ripped up some orange, wall to wall carpeting. We tried to convince her that the orange was very retro and retro is 'in', she wasn't buying it. After all was said and done, she can't use just the beautiful hardwood floor. The previous owner had nails in every board on every stud, no creaks, but you can't have just the hardwood.

Ralph and I did some power Christmas shopping for each other. A couple years ago we decided instead of each of us going out separately and getting each other clothes, perfume, jewelry and that sort of thing, that we would go shopping together and get things we really want. So Ralph got a new 42" plasma TV for the computer room, which we now have renamed the 'media center'. I got, are you ready, I'm soooooooo excited, a laptop ! No, I'm not using it right now. I just attempted to hook up the wireless router and I need an ethernet cable. We have one here at the house but I don't know where Ralph put, so I have to wait until he gets home. I also got a few comfy, casual, velour pants and jacket sets.

Now all I have to do is crochet a couple more potholders and dishcloths, make my sweet spiced nuts and I'm done with all of my Christmas stuff. Then I'll have more time for crocheting scarves for the Red Scarf Project .

Gotta get to the grocery store..................

1 comment:

Crafty Andy said...

Sounds like your Monday was neat. It's rainy over here, at least for now. Have a great week!