Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm Issuing a Challenge

I found out about the Red Scarf Project from the latest Crochetme Newsletter and would like to issue a challenge to everyone that reads my blog. It doesn't start until January, so there's plenty of time to get all of your holiday stuff done. Scarves can be whipped up very quickly, you can get one or even two done in an evening.
You may be wondering if I'm issuing this challenge because I'm adopted, the answer is no, I'm the youngest of 6. However, there are 3 people in my family that were orphaned and were lucky enough to be adopted. The first became part of the family almost 4o years ago (yikes), my oldest brother(#1) married a girl that had been orphaned, fast forward about 20 years and another brother (#2) adopted a little girl that was orphaned, fast forward again about 17 years and the son and wife of brother #1 adopted a little boy(he'll be 3 in may) that was also orphaned. All 3 were lucky enough to be adopted, but there are so many that aren't and with just a few hours of your time and a little yarn you can make them feel loved.
So consider yourself Challenged, I hope you participate.

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