Monday, October 09, 2006

I've entered the 21st century, I'm blogging !!!!

It seems that most everyone has a blog these days so I decided it was time for me to have one too. A little about me, I'm 40 something (getting closer to 50 than i care to admit) and I live near Pittsburgh, PA with my husband, 3 dogs and one cat. I'm addicted to crochet, can't knit at all, although I've tried to learn at different times. I also have the follow YAS, PAS and HAS, some of you may already know what they are, but for those of you that don't , Yarn Acquisition Syndrome, Pattern Acquisition Syndrome and Hook Acquistion Syndrome. I'm one of the assistant managers at Crochet Depot , a really great MSN group.

Currently I'm working on a table runner as a birthday gift for my sister, her birthday is Wednesday, gotta get it done. I'm also working on a stocking for an exchange over at Crochetallsorts , another great MSN group and I've started an afghan for my great nephew as a Christmas gift. I get bored easily, can you tell ? I always have more than one project going at time, I need the variety.

I guess that's about it for now, more later................................................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and you quilt, too!

By the way, welcome to Guiltland. That's where you feel guilty when you don't update your blog.